Project Coordinator – RBP FCPF Communities (1 position)

I. Position Information
Job code title : Project Coordinator (RBP FCPF- Communities)
Duration of contract : 12 months
Supervisor : Program Director

II. Organizational Context
The East Kalimantan Jurisdictional Emissions Reduction Program (ER Program) is a national project to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. This program covers 12.7 million ha of East Kalimantan Province of which 6.5 million ha (54%) is still covered by tropical rainforests which are home to a wealth of globally significant biodiversity, and that support indigenous and other local communities.

The ER Program supports a combination of enabling conditions and promotion of sustainable management practices to address the underlying drivers of emissions. As much as 86.3 million tCO2e of (gross) emission will be reduced over a five and a half-year period (2019-2024) by this ER Program. The Accounting Area for the ER Program covers the entire boundary of the East Kalimantan Province, covering seven districts and three cities, 103 sub-districts, and 1,032 villages (BPS, 2017), and is not only limited to the state forest in the East Kalimantan Province.

The ER Program is implemented by all beneficiaries with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and the East Kalimantan Provincial Government as the responsible bodies for managing the proposed ER Program. Relevant agencies in the central, provincial, districts and village governments will be involved in the project implementation following the directions of the MoEF and East Kalimantan Provincial Government. Private sectors, as well as local and adat communities within the East Kalimantan Province jurisdiction will also implement the ER Program according to the specific roles and responsibilities agreed and written in the Emissions Reduction Program Document (ERPD). The non-government institutions will be involved and become the government’s partners in implementing the ER Program. The mechanism in distributing the ER Program benefit to each beneficiary is described in Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP) document.

Government of Indonesia has received the first payment for ERP in 2022 and the funds will be managed through BPDLH (Indonesian Environmental Fund). The ER Payments to National and Local Government would be channeled through the state budget mechanism (APBN and APBD) while the ER Payments to Local Communities will be directly channeled through Intermediary Agency (Lemtara) after the Payments are disbursed by The Indonesian Environment Fund (BPDLH/IEF).

The Partnership for Governance Reform (KEMITRAAN), which has been accredited as intermediary agency/Lemtara of BPDLH, was selected and appointed as the Lemtara by East Kalimantan Government for preparing the implementation of ER program and channeling the ER payments to eligible communities/villages beneficiaries.
The objectives of the project are:

Objective 1. Facilitating the readiness of village/community groups beneficiaries and improving their capacity to develop viable community-driven proposals and reporting that are in line with FCPF ERPD’s objective

Objective 2. Facilitating the disbursement of ER Payments/Funds to eligible Village/Community groups that have meet the criteria and requirements of ERP benefits channeling.

In ensuring the effective implementation of the Project, KEMITRAAN will form a quality Project Management Unit that will manage the day to day implementation and monitoring-evaluation of the Project. To carry out the expected development objectives and outputs above, KEMITRAAN will recruit a Project Coordinator that will lead and coordinate the project implementation at the subnational and community level.

The RBP FCPF Communities’ Project Coordinator will be based in Samarinda at the project management unit office and work closely with Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager, Project Officers, Field Supervisors, Admin & Procurement Officer, Finance & Admin Officers, Finance & Administration Assistants, Consultants and Advisors, Grantees, Government institutions (MoEF, Local Governments), World Bank, and other staffs within Kemitraan’s office.

III. Functions / Key Results Expected

  1. Project Management.
  2. Financial/Budget and Asset Management.
  3. Contract Management.
  4. Personnel Management.
  5. Government Liaison/External Relations

IV. Qualifications
Education: Minimum bachelor degree in environment and/or natural resource management, forestry, environmental policy and/or other relevant fields. Advanced degree with equivalent experience is an advantage.
• Minimum of 8 years of professional experience in the environment and natural resources management sector, including proven experience in emission reduction program, climate change mitigation, forestry and community-based development
• 5 years of successful record in Project Management at middle to senior level
• Knowledge of Indonesian current legislation, policies, and standards in the field of environment, natural resource management and climate change is desirable.
• Previous experience of working in an international organization with focus on forest management, REDD+, climate change, and relevant issues
• Extensive networks and positive working relationships with Government partners in national and subnational level (East Kalimantan) is preferred
• Previous experience of working and sound knowledge of social and environmental baseline condition in the Project area is plus advantage
• Fluency in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia

For the complete Terms of Reference please download the following link:

To apply for this position please submit your CV and other supporting documents as required using this link no later than December 25, 2023.  Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
