Updating The Journey of Think Climate Initiative Indonesia

Dok. Kemitraan

International Development Research Centre (IDRC) conducted the second coordination online meeting of Think Climate Initiative (TCI) Indonesia in March 15 – 17, 2022. This meeting was dedicated to all Indonesian think tank partners which received support from IDRC and Oak Foundation. These three days meeting intended to update each partner’s journey by sharing their activities and achievements which has been implemented since April 2021. In addition, this meeting also provided a gender peer learning session from IDRC’s partner, namely Gender@Work. In order to attend this meeting, KEMITRAAN sent 10 of KML’s staff who are the personnel of Think Climate Initiative Project. 

This meeting was conducted through interesting method by applying the role-playing game, especially when updating each partner’s journey. This role-playing game method was the continuation of the first TCI meeting on July 2021. On July 2021, each partner pretended that they were a nation on an island. On that meeting, each partner provided their nation name, specialties, motto, policy and geographical working area. Currently, the role-playing game used Ministerial Forum to update each partners achievement by presenting of three member who pretended as Ministers of Science, Internal Affairs and Education, and Foreign Affairs. Each Ministers were being asked to provide achievement, challenges and ways to overcome.

Regitri, Amalia and Irfan were selected to act as KEMITRAAN’s Ministers. Regitri, The Minister of Science said that they successfully held several research activities including consultation meeting with Indonesia Ministry of Finance and The Government of DKI Jakarta Province. Amalia, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Education reported that KEMITRAAN have received 6 national certificate of their staff for National certification of research methodology training (5 person) and  Public Good and Services Procurement (1 person). KEMITRAAN also successfully improved the knowledge of their staff through series of gender basic training, storytelling the brand training, general English and report writing course on the first year of project. Meanwhile, Irfan, The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that KEMITRAAN supported the work of Indonesia Ministry of Finance by promoting Regional Budget Tagging Program to 6 Regional Government with collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs. He also said that KEMITRAAN played important roles on TCI Collaboration activities with the other nation. Finally, all Ministers also agreed that the main challenge on the journey is the pandemic situation that limit the mobilization of the project.

After listening all Minister from all nations presentation, each partners successfully inspired by each other’s. For example, KEMITRAAN inspired all partners to consider story-telling branding, meanwhile, KEMITRAAN also being inspired by WRI, KotaKita and Inobu especially to balance skill and knowledge especially for the researcher. KEMITRAAN’s team very interested to learn on how to conduct research on pandemic situation from WRI and also conduct participatory research which presented by KotaKita. 

The second day was focused on for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)  learning session. In this session, all partners were being asked to identify what are the result we hope to see, what will success look like, what challenges might we encounter and what might help us to achieve he result on sharing jam board. In this session, all partners are agreed that there were common elements that could form the basis for a learning community focused on effective interventions to address GESI as part of efforts to address climate change. This learning session was facilitated by Kalyani Menon-Sen and Ray Gordezky from Gender@Work.

Last, on the third day, all partners were invited to held collaborative project pitch. In this session, KEMITRAAN provided the idea of “Raising awareness of climate change impacts among youth and

young politicians in the 2024 election Project”. Almost all partner’s representation were interested and attend the socialization of the project idea. Its proven by the active participation of each partners to contribute on identifying the positive side on this idea and challenges to implement the activity. Finally, they acknowledged that this activities are able to stimulate the young politician to aware on climate change issue. Furthermore, the climate change issue will be considered as one of their political agenda. 

Finally, the detail information about the three day event can be accessed through IDRC’s report on the following link here

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