

The USAID Indonesia Integrity Initiative (USAID INTEGRITAS) is a five-year, $10 million program implemented by KEMITRAAN in partnership with Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Transparency International-Indonesia (TI-I), and the Basel Institute on Governance. The program works closely with the Government of Indonesia (GoI) agencies, the private sector, and civil society at the national level and in five provinces.

USAID INTEGRITAS supports the GoI in its corruption prevention efforts through enhancing civic engagement and strengthening a culture of integrity for both the public and private sectors.



Every year, corruption diverts millions of dollars away from public spending and into the pockets of private individuals, and accelerates environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. The United States and Indonesia are working together to prevent corruption by enhancing public oversight, expanding civic engagement, and strengthening integrity in the public and private sectors.


The goal of the USAID INTEGRITAS is to support the GoI in its corruption prevention efforts through enhancing civic engagement and strengthening a culture of integrity for both the public and private sectors. USAID INTEGRITAS seeks to enhance Indonesian civil society capacity and role to more effectively partner with and support key GoI oversight institutions, while simultaneously ensuring sufficient preventative and oversight mechanisms are in place in the public and private sector. The activity will cooperate and work with government and non-government key actors to achieve this goal.


The program works closely with the Government of Indonesia (GoI) agencies, and the private sector, and civil society at the national level and in five of USAID’s priority provinces:

  • DKI Jakarta
  • North Sumatra
  • South Sulawesi
  • East Java
  • East Nusa Tenggara


Our Focus

USAID INTEGRITAS focuses on identifying, preventing, and managing Conflicts of Interest (CoI) in licensing and procurement related to natural resources.

Program activities engage with GoI institutions and state-owned enterprises and enhance awareness and oversight from the private and public sectors.

Enhanching Policies and Practices That Reduce Conflicts of Interest

Enhanced Prevention Mechanisms

Providing technical assistance to GoI agencies on CoI policy frameworks and implementation, supported by new tools to identify CoI and public awareness campaigns that address the public participation in corruption.

Private Sector Engagement

Enhancing private sector integrity and anti-corruption engagement through collective action, enhanced capacity to implement anti-corruption safeguards, and increased dialogue with GoI and civil society organizations.

Political and Campaign Finance

Enhancing political transparency through new information technology tools, monitoring, and advocacy to increase state subsidies and reporting obligations.

Improving Public Education, Awareness, and Participation

Avenues and Mechanisms for Public Oversight

Improving public access to information, enhancing citizen oversight, and strengthening public demands for accountability.

Enhancing Public Participation 

Enhancing the participation of key communities through formal and informal anti-corruption education, efforts to motivate public participation and engagement, and mechanisms to encourage reporting.

This blog is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Partnership for Governance Reform and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”

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