

One of the main challenges in good governance in Indonesia is ensuring quality public services and integrity. These two things are very closely related. In many areas, the quality of public services is still below standard due to low levels of integrity. This is exacerbated by an inappropriate incentive system that leads to inefficiency and a lack of commitment to seek improvements in program implementation.

Responding to this phenomenon, KEMITRAAN, through its work, is actively involved in efforts to improve the public service system. Responding to this phenomenon, KEMITRAAN, through its work, is actively involved in efforts to improve the public service system.

Apart from that, KEMITRAAN is also committed to promoting the integrity of the public service sector. KEMITRAAN seeks to demand the integrity of public office holders in carrying out their duties. By increasing integrity standards, it is hoped that the quality of public services will be improved to the Indonesian people in all corners of the country. Especially for marginalized groups, women, children, disabled people and other vulnerable groups.